Modern House Plans by Gregory La Vardera Architect
Free 1hr Consult for Builder/Developers
In order to recieve this free 1hr consult you need to do one simple thing:
Fill out our Contact Form to tell us about you and your project.
This free 1 hour Consult is for discussing the particulars of your Project and to start thinking about the best strategies for you to use our Products to advance your business. You may want to talk about the mix of house sizes for your development, or you may want to talk about the fit or orientation of the homes. Or you may want to focus on energy efficient details for the upcoming builds. Its your choice.
This Consult can be done by phone call, by Skype, or in person if you are in our region. When we are scheduling I will ask you to forward support materials such as site plans, site photos, or other relevant documents.


The fine print: Offers of Benefits made here are solely at the pleasure of Gregory La Vardera Architect. Offers and terms described may be modified or revoked solely at his discretion. No warranty is given as to the accuracy of the information posted on this site. All information should be independently evaluated for accuracy, correctness and completeness. All information, including pricing and features, is subject to change without notice. Plain English: There are people that may try to game these offers in ways we can not anticipate, and if so, we retain absolute and final right to modify or end the terms as we see fit. We want this to work for everybody, and we won't let one bad apple spoil it for the bunch. Thanks!